Blogger Layouts

Monday, June 9, 2008

How old am I again?!?

So... I was told that I needed to blog this because it's just funny (you're welcome Maureen)
Last Tuesday, I was at the 7-eleven buying a slurpie with a classmate. Yes, I was buying a slurpie- they're very good. Anyways, I stepped off of the curb right into a pothole and completely biffed it. I managed to skin my knee and land on my left wrist. So, being a nursing student, I ignored the pain in my wrist until Friday when it hurt so bad that I could no longer stand it. Off to Insta Care we go, again, I think they know us by first name now. The doctor there felt like my wrist was broken and told me I would probably be in a cast for the next 6 weeks- (great!) Thankfully, I went to my family doctor today and he thinks that it's just sprained pretty good. (Thank you for small miracles)
So, now I have to ask... how old am I again? Because my knee matches Jessica's and she's 6 and Kelsi was calling dibs on signing my cast as soon as I got it and she's 9.
If you're not laughing yet, you'll want to know that I spilled my slurpie and had to go get another one. Man, I'm sure glad that I saved my allowance!!
P.S. I am not including a pic on this one! Don't you think I'm embarrassed enough?


Our family said...

I love it! Whenever I take a good spill and end up aching for 6 days, I wonder how my kids can stand to do that dozens of times a day.

By the way, Kyle was by far the easiest pott-trainer at my house, so don't buy into that boys are tougher nonsense. I'm starting to believe that kids are ready way before we give them credit. We're all just being duped by greedy diaper companies.

Olivia said...

Ouch!! I was walking to church (few years ago) tripped, and then skidded along the sidewalk on my knees, hands, and cheek. I was sore for days! I don't know how little kids do it!

Anonymous said...

What!? No picture? But your brace is SOOOOOOOOO sexy! know it is.

I am sorry you fell...but at least as we get older we learn to laugh about it (or cry....) Glad you posted it! I would give you my coupon for a free sandwhich to make you feel better...if only I knew where it was! lol.

Denae said...

I love this.. I biff it all the time. I am glad that there is someone else that I can compare scraped knees with.

PS. I always wear pants! ;)