Blogger Layouts

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Snowy Adventure...

So, this is my newest story to add to the list. It goes something like this...
I signed up a couple of weeks ago to take my LPN boards (did I mention this costs $300?). Yesterday morning I set my alarm for 6:20 am and groaned when it went off. After dragging myself out of bed, I dressed in my comfy clothes and headed to the door. It was at this moment that I realized that it was snowing. Of all days for the first snowfall, why this one?!? I trudged outside, thankful that I had given myself extra time. As I got onto the freeway, it was obvious that nothing had been plowed and that traffic was going to be a nightmare. My appointment was set for 8 am... after an hour on the road and Ryan calling with periodic traffic updates, I finally give in and called the n-clex boards hotline. I only had a 1-800 number that sent be to some operator back East... I explain that I'm stuck in traffic, in a blizzard. He proceeds to tell me that it's too late to reschedule my exam- "no, no, no" I say, "I don't want to reschedule, just let you know I'm going to be late." He states "oh, well I can't help you with that, you'll have to call the local testing center." With my teeth clenched and hands tightly griping the steering wheel I ask for the number since I'm driving in a snowstorm, on the freeway. Give or take five minutes he says to me, "do you have a pen and paper so you can write down this number?" Once again, teeth clenched and hands turning white from gripping the steering wheel, I say, "why no, I don't have a pen and paper due to the fact that I'm driving on the freeway in a snowstorm!" He pauses, "oh just give me the number already!!!" Long story short, I call the local office and they tell me to drive safely, they'll work me in when I get there. After an hour and twenty minutes of driving, I finally arrive and go into to register to take my boards. I'm actually relieved to have arrived in one piece and feel no anxiety towards the actual test. I walk in and an hour walk back out after answering 85 questions. Those of you that have taken boards will understand that this means one of two things: 1. I passed the boards with no problems or 2. I failed the boards in a horrible way and should possibly reconsider my career path. Thankfully, the department of professional licensure likes to give test takers ample time to consider this- 24 hours later, the results are in... according to DOPL I am an active Licensed Practical Nurse able to practice in the State of Utah! Whew! I did it! One step down... I am now officially a Nurse!


Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! (I just KNEW you had passed....)

Sweet justice after all that dumb snow.

Krista said...

YAY! Like there was any doubt that you would pass?! Still I know the stress...I think everyone walks out thinking I don't care what I know, I am sure I failed!