Blogger Layouts

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snowy Days

I have to say that
I love the snow
Of course there are stipulations to this...
I love the snow when I don't have to drive in it and I can sit inside and watch it fall. The kids just love to play in it. It must be a sign of my age but I just don't get the thrill of being that cold anymore!
We had a huge storm here this week and of course the kids were happy little penguins playing in it. I however was not top thrilled when it took me an hour to drive a 5 mile round trip to pick the girls up from school. Thankfully, none of us have school for 2 weeks and we can just relax and enjoy the holidays. I have included some pics of the kids bundled up and playing in the snow-

The girls making snow angels

Apparently, they are making a snow horse LOL!

Taylor, like most kids, feels that snow is a great snack. Why is this an inborn trait?


Anonymous said...

At least snow is entertaining! I've decided that I don't enjoy playing in it as much as I did as a kid either...but I'm grateful my kids still think its thrilling. It provided FOUR hours of entertainment on Saturday. Lovely!

Love the horse...what a funny idea!

Chad and Becky said...

too cute! oh my heck! I hope they are outside today... we are getting pummeled! Cam is out playing in it now... me and Casey are sickey's staying in the house. *sniff*