School started on Monday! Hip, hip, hurray!! The nice things is that the girls are cheering as well. Jessica is very excited to have finally graduated into an all day schedule. She thinks that eating lunch at school is pretty cool- whatever makes her happy, right?!? Kelsi is just excited that she is in the 4th grade. As Kelsi puts it, "Mom, you know this means I'm growing up, right?" -Sigh- I guess she really is growing up. It's amazing to see them get older and feel a sense of accomplishment just by being their mom. They really are amazing little girls!
Taylor, on the other hand, is having a hard time adjusting to sissies being gone. He doesn't quite understand the whole school thing and asks all day long, "sissies?" This is accompanied with a shoulder shrug and a look around the house calling their names. After his house search he comes back and says, "I don't know!" It's pretty cute.