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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Only One More To Go...

This week was finals. After all the studying and major stress, I passed! So we only have ONE, count it, one more semester until graduation! It seems crazy that time is flying by so fast. Everyone tells you that it will and you think they're crazy, but it really has gone by quickly. I am very excited to be moving into my capstone. For those non-nurses, that's when the student nurse spends a ton of hours (160) following the same nurse. It will be much better to be with one nurse and to see how she does things on a day to day basis. I know that this next semester will be busy but after that we will be done!
I am also excited to say that I started my new job today and it seems to be really good. I enjoyed being the nurse and not the CNA. I look forward to learning a lot from this new experience. It's going to take some time to get back onto a day shift schedule but seeing my husband more often is going to be incredible!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You get to see Ryan more often? What a sweet deal! (except for the part where you'll be doing oodles of clinical