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Friday, April 24, 2009

11 Wonderful Years and counting...

Today marks 11 years since Ryan and I were married. It always amazes me how quickly the time goes by. I really do not feel like I should be as old as I am. Recently, I have really been reflecting on just how much Ryan means to me. I am so thankful that I have such a wonderful man in my life. He takes care of the kids, cleans the house, does the laundry, and works full time without so much as a complaint.He has been my rock for the last eleven years. We have been through many of life's challenges together but they don't seem nearly as tough when facing them together. I love that even the thought of him makes me smile and it helps keep me going. I know that I never would have made it through nursing school without his constant and unwavering support. I can not even comprehend life without him. I know that I take him for granted most of the time and that I don't say thank you near enough. Thankfully we have these days to sit and reflect about the importance of each other. I truly hope that Ryan knows how very much I love him- my world would crumble without him. The thought of spending eternity with him makes me want to be a better person. After 11 years of marriage I can only say that I hope we have million more together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for good men!! You found a winner and I am so happy for you!

Plus he found you...and you are just plain awesome. :)