Taylor waiting patiently to see mommy
The entire graduating class- this includes all of AmeriTech's programs; RN, LPN, Dental Tech, Massage Therapist, Medical Assistants, etc.
My incredibly proud Dad- he missed a fishing trip for this- Thanks Dad!
Our LPN speaker, Merrie Parrish
Receiving our diplomas, or rather a nice quote in a diploma cover... guess we have to pick up the real thing at school, go figure.
Our wonderful professors, although they can get very boring and/or crazy at times!
Me and Taylor
Me and my cohort in trouble, Shanda
Congratulations! That's so awesome that you're making school, work, and mom-hood work for you, not an easy task. And isn't it great to have a ceremony once in a while to acknowledge your hard work and mark the path to completion!
CONGRATS! You can see the light... follow it and before you know it you will be a better paid bum-wiper! LOL! I like the "back to school on Monday" part. What a crazy life!
WHEW!! I wasn't sure you'd make it....
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