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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Taylor's 2nd Birthday

Hooray for birthdays! Today is our baby's birthday. It's hard to believe that he has reached the magical, difficult age of two. Seems like the time has really flown. I have to say that I never really believed people when they told me how different boys and girls were- Taylor has made me a believer! He is so different than the girls. In one instance he can go from being a total stinker to being a little flirt. He constantly keeps me on my toes! I love that he is always so willing to cuddle and hug- and then run off and wreck havoc somewhere else in the house! The one thing that I have to say about Taylor is he has an amazing ability to love. I have never known a 2 year old that was so quick to say sorry, thank you or ask "OK?" if he senses that something is wrong. I am thankful everyday that we made the decision to have him. Taylor adds a very special aspect to our family and he is definitely worth his weight in gold! (Even with all 12 kidney stones that I passed as a result of his pregnancy!)
-In the picture with him raising his hands, he's saying "touchdown!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SO STINKIN' CUTE!! Two years describe the age well. Plus I can truly attest to the differences between boys and girls. Crazy huh!!

Happy Birthday Taylor!!