Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Santa Claus

We took the kids to the mall over the weekend to see the Big Man. At first Taylor was very reluctant about sitting on Santa's lap. You would ask him if he was going to go see him and he would say, "no, no, no anta" Thanks to Kelsi, he changed his mind and decided that "anta" is pretty cool. Kelsi even convinced him to talk to Santa and tell him that he wanted a dinosaur- course he says dinosaur while growling like one LOL! The only downside for the kids was that they were not running the train- a plus for Ryan and I since it was $3 a kid to ride in a circle. So instead the kids rode the toy bus- with Taylor driving. Onto the pictures...

Taylor waiting in line saying "cheese"

The kids with Santa

Riding/driving the bus

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Kelsi! What an awesome big sister...

I think we spent $30 on that train last year....