Blogger Layouts

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Stuck in the Wall

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. The girls were spoiled with Wii games, guitars and drawing stuff and Taylor got his "dinosaur Roooaaarr!" I love the holiday season but it's also nice when it's over and we can get back to normal. The house always feels much bigger after the tree and decorations are put away.
This year, I worked a half shift on Christmas Eve (it's hard to say no to time and a half) and when I got home at 12:30, Ryan was in Taylor's room because he had been crying. When I walked in, all Taylor would say is
"stuck in the wall, stuck in the wall".
Ryan and I had no idea what he was talking about so we calmed him down and put him back to bed. He did this all night long, waking up 2-3 more times. Each time, he would say the same thing
"stuck in the wall, stuck in the wall".
The next morning Ryan and I were talking about this and Kelsi overheard us. She started to giggle a bit and says "oops". Apparently, she went into Taylor's room the night before and had told him a story. At some point in the story, she told Taylor that Santa was stuck in the wall and he wouldn't get unstuck until he was asleep...
I have decided that Kelsi is no longer allowed to tell bedtime stories!


Denae said...

Hahahaha That is too funny! I will have to tell you the Wall Turtle story sometime.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

It's even funnier the second time around!!